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Reinforcing Bar

We know that Rebar. It is known as reinforcement steel and reinforcing steel. This is a steel bar or mesh bar of steel wire used in reinforced concrete and masonry structures to strengthen and hold this concrete in tension.

Reinforcing steel bars are used to help the concrete withstand tension forces.

Why use Rinforcmnet in Concrete?

Steel reinforcement/rebars are used to improve the tensile strength of the concrete, so concrete is very weak in tension but is strong in compression. So this reason to used Rinfoenment in concrete.

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Why is Rebar Important In Civil?

Rebar/Reinforcement makes concrete serval times more resistant to failure. Rebar is provided tensile strength using a reinforcing bar that is resistant to correction.

If you want to make a concrete structure, this rebar provides much stronger support than steel wires, reinforcing fiberglass and many other products available on the market.

Because of provides structural strength in its own right.
